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132 Bài tập Câu điều kiện kèm đáp án

Nội dung chính

1. Câu điều kiện loại 0 – Bài tập kèm đáp án

2. Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1

3. Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2

4. Câu điều kiện loại 3- Bài tập thực hành

5. Bài tập câu điều kiện hỗn hợp If 3 – Main 2

6. If hỗn hợp If 2 – Main 3 – kèm đáp án

Các bài tập câu điều kiện trong tiếng Anh được xem là những “thử thách khó nhằn” đối với nhiều bạn học tiếng Anh. Đây cũng là phần ngữ pháp tiếng Anh rất dễ nhầm lẫn khi chia động từ trong câu, đặc biệt là trong mệnh đề If (if clause). Để có thể sử dụng câu điều kiện chính xác, bạn học cần nắm chắc cấu trúc câu điều kiện, xác định đúng các thì của các mệnh đề và chọn ngữ cảnh phù hợp khi áp dụng.

Sau đây là 132 câu bài tập được biên soạn chi tiết bởi đội ngũ giáo viên tại TalkFirst về chủ điểm ngữ pháp Câu điều kiện. Đặc biệt, các bài tâp sau đây được chia theo từng dạng câu điều kiện khác nhau. Nhằm giúp bạn học dễ theo dõi, nắm chắc cấu trúc & xác định trường hợp áp dụng phù hợp nhất.

Trước khi thực hành bài tập bên dưới, bạn đừng quên ôn tập lại những lưu ý và các kiến thức có liên quan tới câu điều kiện sau đây nhé!

Kiến thức đảo ngữ câu điền kiện cần biết

Tất tần tật kiến thức về 12 thì trong tiếng Anh

Cấu trúc câu điều kiện

1. Câu điều kiện loại 0 – Bài tập kèm đáp án

Chia các động từ trong ngoặc thành thể phù hợp.

Her legs …… (hurt) if she …… (practice) skiing too hard.

My grandmother …… (cough) if she …… (eat) peanuts.

Her grandfather …… (have) a backache if he …… (sit) for too long.

Their baby …… (cry) if he …… (feel) hungry.

My father …… (forget) many things if he …… (leave) home hurriedly.

Susan …… (have) sore eyes if she …… (work) on the computer for more than 5 consecutive hours.

My best friend’s mother …… (buy) expensive clothes if she …… (go) shopping.

Richard …… (feel) stressed if he …… (have) a lot of tasks.

If you …… (interrupt) my younger brother when he is working, he …… (leave) the room right away.

If someone …… (use) my elder sister’s car without asking, she …… (get) mad.

If any student …… (smoke), the school …… (punish) them severely.

If my little sister …… (not get) what she wants, she …… (start) yelling and crying.

If his nephew …… (play) games for too long, he …… (have) a headache.

If anyone …… (miss) a deadline, Mr. Anderson …… (criticise) the whole department.

If people …… (dump) chemical waste at sea, it …… (get) polluted.

If someone …… (wake) her up when she is sleeping soundly, she …… (complain) for hours.

My father …… (feel) dizzy if he …… (stand) up too fast.

Oil …… (float) if you …… (pour) it into water.

If we …… (not wear) warm clothes in the winter, we easily …… (catch) a cold.

If you …… (lend) Daniel some money, he never …… (pay) you back.

If Peter …… (drink) milk, he usually …… (vomit) afterwards.

Daniel’s cousin …… (start) shaking if he …… (see) a spider.

If our paternal grandmother …… (find) a snail in her garden, she …… (not catch) it.

Đáp án:

1. hurt – practices 9. interrupt – leaves 17. feels- stands

2. coughs – eats 10. uses – gets 18. floats – pour

3. has – sits 11. smokes – punishes 19. don’t wear – catch

4. cries – feels 12. doesn’t get – starts 20. lend – pays

5. forgets – leaves 13. plays – has 21. drinks – vomits

6. has – works 14. misses – criticises 22. starts – sees

7. buys – goes 15. dump – gets 23. finds – doesn’t catch

8. feels – has 16. wakes – complains

2. Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1

Chia các động từ trong ngoặc thành thể phù hợp.

She …… (buy) that expensive if you …… (show) her the picture.

Our mother …… (give) that stray cat to someone else if you …… (bring) it home.

If David …… (tell) her how difficult that task is, she …… (give) up immediately.

If our boss …… (not arrive) at the company on time, everyone in this meeting …… (wait) for him.

If she …… (hire) a nanny, she …… (have) more time for herself.

His father …… (resign) immediately if he …… (win) that lottery.

My best friend …… (feel) so surprised and happy if her father …… (give) her a motorbike for her birthday.

If you …… (ask) her out, she …… (say) yes. She likes you.

If someone …… (interrupt) Mr. Anderson right now, he …… (be) upset. He’s checking some important documents.

His mother …… (not allow) him to hang out with his friends if he …… (ask) her right now. She is quite annoyed now.

This month, if that employee …… (not meet) the target, our boss …… (fire) him.

If this time, Peter …… (fail) his driving test, he …… (take) it again.

This lesson is difficult. If you …… (not pay) attention, you …… (not understand) it.

Today, Ms. Angelina is stressed. If any employee …… (make) a mistake, she …… (criticise) him or her for hours.

If his daughter …… (not get) that job, she …… (not quit) her current job.

If you …… (not finish) your homework before 7:30, I …… (let) you go out with your friends.

Our teacher …… (talk) to your parents if this time, you …… (review) the lesson.

They are discussing the project in the office. They …… (be) annoyed if we …… (enter) without knocking.

Today, your mother is very busy. If your younger sister …… (cause) trouble, she …… (not take) care of it.

If the tickets …… (sell) out, we …… (watch) another movie.

If this party …… (go) all night, no one …… (want) to come to work tomorrow.

She …… (catch) another train if she …… (miss) that one.

This summer, my younger sister …… (visit) Louvre museum if she …… (travel) to Paris.

Đáp án:

1. will buy – show 9. interrupts – will be 17. will talk – don’t review

2. will give – bring 10. doesn’t allow – asks 18. will be – enter

3. tells – will give 11. doesn’t meet – will fire 19. causes – won’t take

4. doesn’t arrive – will wait 12. fails – will take 20. sells – will watch

5. hires – will have 13. don’t pay – won’t understand 21. goes – will want

6. will resign – wins 14. makes – will criticise 22. catches – misses

7. will feel – gives 15. doesn’t get – won’t quit 23. will visit – travels

8. ask – will say 16. don’t finish – won’t let

3. Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2

Chia các động từ trong ngoặc thành thể phù hợp.

John …… (not feel) lonely all the time if he …… (not live) alone.

Your mother …… (not be) so busy if you …… (help) her.

If I …… (be) you, …… (take) a course at that famous language center.

If your grandfather …… (water) his plants more regularly, they …… (not die) so easily.

If my elder brother …… (get) up early, he …… (not get) stuck in traffic jams every day.

Your husband …… (have) better health if he …… (not smoke) too frequently.

Their younger sister …… (feel) less stressed if she …… (know) how to balance life and work.

If I …… (sing) beautifully, I …… (sing) every day.

If swimming …… (be) my hobby, I …… (go) swimming every day.

If that new employee …… (be) friendlier, more people …… (like) him.

My mother …… (not have) dark circles under her eyes if she …… (not go) to bed late every day.

If he …… (work) harder, he …… (pay) the bills easily.

That shop …… (attract) more customers if the prices …… (lower).

Our city …… (not be) polluted if people …… (not litter).

If your uncle …… (drink) less coffee, he …… (not have) high blood pressure.

If her aunt …… (buy) less clothes, she …… (save) more money.

We …… (have) more free time if our teacher …… (not give) us too much homework.

The boss …… (be) happier if his employees never …… (go) to work late.

Our son …… (dance) beautifully if he …… (practice) more.

Their daughter …… (study) better if she …… (think) studying is interesting.

We …… (have) better skin if we …… (eat) more fruits and vegetables.

If you manage your time better, you …… (spend) more time with your family.

If Rebecca’s dog …… (not bark) every night, the neighbours …… (not complain).

Đáp án:

1. wouldn’t feel – didn’t live 9. were – would go 17. would/ could have – didn’t give

2. wouldn’t be – helped 10. were – would like 18. would be – went

3. were – would take 11. wouldn’t have – didn’t go 19. would/ could – practiced

4. watered – wouldn’t die 12. worked – would/ could pay 20. would/ could study – thought

5. got up – wouldn’t get 13. would/ could attract – were lower 21. would/ could have – ate

6. would/ could have – didn’t smoke 14. wouldn’t be – didn’t 22. managed – could spend

7. would/ could feel – knew 15. drank – wouldn’t have 23. didn’t bark – wouldn’t complain

8. sang – would sing 16. bought – would/ could save

4. Câu điều kiện loại 3- Bài tập thực hành

Chia các động từ trong ngoặc thành thể phù hợp.

That day, if you …… (let) me know he was there, I …… (meet) him.

Susan …… (not win) that competition if you …… (not support) her.

Last week, that client …… (not sign) the contract if you …… (not help) us.

Two days ago, my younger sister …… (not lose) her wallet if she …… (be) more careful.

We …… (not watch) that movie if you …… (not recommend) it to us.

Yesterday afternoon, his daughter …… (not have) a stomachache if she …… (not eat) too much ice-cream.

Last night, we …… (sleep) well if their dog …… (not bark).

If I …… (join) that race, I …… (win) it.

This morning, my daughter …… (not cry) if I …… (not eat) her cake.

Sarah …… (be) sad if you …… (not invite) her to your birthday party.

Last week, if his uncle …… (not go) to the mall, he …… (not spend) a lot of money.

This morning, that employee …… (not arrive) at the company late if she …… (not miss).

Our boss …… (not fire) that employee if he …… (work) harder.

Thank you, Lisa! Yesterday, if you …… (not lend) me the money, I …… (not buy) my lunch.

If my elder brother …… (not practice) carelessly, he …… (not break) his leg.

If he …… (not put) too much salt into the soup, everyone …… (like) it better.

He …… (not let) his parents down if he …… (pass) that exam.

Last night, they …… (enter) the room if someone …… (not lock) the door.

We …… (call) you last night if you …… (give) us your phone number.

Your daughter …… (study) better if you …… (encourage) her more.

When he was young, he …… (have) a fit body if he …… (exercise) regularly.

That time, he …… (understand) her more if he …… (talk) to her frequently.

Yesterday, if it …… (not rain), we …… (go) on a picnic.

Đáp án:

1. had let – would/ could have met 9. wouldn’t have cried – hadn’t eaten 17. wouldn’t have let – had passed

2. wouldn’t/ couldn’t have won – hadn’t supported 10. would have been – hadn’t invited 18. could have entered – hadn’t locked

3. wouldn’t have signed – hadn’t helped 11. hadn’t gone – wouldn’t have bought 19. would/ could have called – had given

4. wouldn’t have lost – had been more 12. wouldn’t have arrived – hadn’t missed 20. would/ could have studied – had encouraged

5. wouldn’t have watched – hadn’t recommended 13. wouldn’t have fired – had worked 21. would/ could have had – had exercised

6. wouldn’t have had – hadn’t eaten 14. hadn’t lent – wouldn’t/ couldn’t have bought 22. would/ could have understood – had talked

7. would/ could have slept – hadn’t barked 15. hadn’t practiced – wouldn’t have broken 23. hadn’t rained – could have gone

8. had joined – would/ could have won 16. hadn’t put – would have liked

5. Bài tập câu điều kiện hỗn hợp If 3 – Main 2

Chia các động từ trong ngoặc thành thể phù hợp.

My daughter …… (play) the violin well now if in the past, she …… (practice) every day.

If she …… (pay) attention to the lessons last week, she …… (do) the test now.

I …… (make) pizza now if this morning we …… (buy) all the ingredients.

If you …… (clean) your room this morning, it …… (be) clean now.

If she …… (do) her homework last night, the teacher …… (not scold) her now.

If we …… (buy) that car last month, we …… (go) to work conveniently now.

His son …… (not have) sore eyes now if he …… (not play) computer games for too long this afternoon.

She …… (not feel) exhausted now if she …… (not swim) for nearly 2 hours.

If my daughter …… (call) her dad last night, she …… (not miss) him now.

If that man …… (win) the lottery last month, …… (have) an easier life now.

If this morning, that employee …… (prepare) for the meeting, he …… (not worry) now.

Rebecca …… (not be) at this party now if you …… (not tell) her about it yesterday.

If, two weeks ago, she …… (not invest) in these stocks, she …… (not earn) a lot of money now.

I …… (not get) to work on time now if I …… (not hurry) this morning.

She …… (yawn) continuously now if she …… (not take) a nap this afternoon.

He …… (not be) punished now if he …… (not cheat) in his exam yesterday.

My younger sister …… (not work) for this company now if her friend …… (not introduce) it to her years ago.

If, many years ago, my parents …… (not send) me to Japan to study, I …… ( not speak) Japanese well now.

I …… (not pay) for my meal now if she …… (not give) my wallet back to me this morning.

Her younger sister …… (not play) for the national football team now if she …… (not start) playing football when she was a child.

His father …… (be) relaxed now if he …… (complete) all the tasks at work.

If we …… (get) married sooner, now our children …… (be) much older.

Our boss …… (praise) us now if yesterday, we …… (sign) that contract successfully.

If this morning, I …… (not skip) breakfast, I …… (feel) energetic now.

Đáp án:

1. could play – had practiced 9. had called – wouldn’t miss 17. wouldn’t work – hadn’t introduced

2. had paid – could do 10. had won – would have 18. hadn’t sent – couldn’t speak

3. could make – had bought 11. had prepared – wouldn’t worry 19. couldn’t pay – hadn’t given

4. had cleaned – would be 12. wouldn’t be – hadn’t told 20. wouldn’t play – hadn’t started

5. had done – would scold 13. hadn’t invested – wouldn’t earn 21. would be – had completed

6. had bought – could go 14. couldn’t get – hadn’t hurried 22. had gotten – would be

7. wouldn’t have – hadn’t played 15. would yawn – hadn’t taken 23. would praise – had signed

8. wouldn’t feel – hadn’t swum 16. wouldn’t be – hadn’t cheated 24. hadn’t skipped – would feel

6. If hỗn hợp If 2 – Main 3 – kèm đáp án

Lưu ý: Đây là dạng bài tập tương đối khó, đòi hỏi việc suy nghĩ logic và tưởng tượng ra tình huống chính xác. Vì vậy bạn hãy nắm chắc lý thuyết trước khi làm nhé!

Chia các động từ trong ngoặc thành thể phù hợp.

I …… (not lend) her the money last night if I …… (be) you.

(Tôi ở quá khứ, hiện tại và tương lai đều không phải là bạn.)

If our family …… (have) more members we …… (join) that competition last month.

(Gia đình tôi vào tháng trước – ‘last month’ hay hiện tại đều không đủ thành viên để tham gia cuộc thi đó.)

If she …… (have) a daughter she …… (buy) that dress for her yesterday.

(Bà ấy vào hôm qua – ‘yesterday’ hay hiện tại đều không có con gái.)

If I …… (be) you, I …… (invest) in real estate last year.

(Tôi ở quá khứ, hiện tại và tương lai đều không phải là bạn.)

My mother …… (buy) that superhero toy this morning if she …… (have) a son.

(Mẹ tôi dù là vào sáng nay – ‘this morning’ hay hiện tại đều không có con trai.)

If Emma …… (have) a younger sister or brother, she …… (take) him or her to the zoo last weekend.

(Dù là vào cuối tuần trước – ‘last weekend’ hay hiện tại thì Emma cũng không có em trái hay em gái.)

If my mother’s singing voice …… (be) beautiful, she …… (perform) yesterday.

(Dù là vào hôm qua – ‘yesterday’ hay hiện tại, giọng hát của mẹ tôi cũng không hay.)

Susan …… (get) a lot of things at the pet store this morning if she …… (have) a pet.

(Susan không có thú cưng dù là vào sáng nay ‘this morning’ hay là hiện tại.)

Patrick …… (drink) a lot of milk tea at the party last night if he …… (not be) allergic to milk.

(Patrick luôn bị dị ứng với sữa dù là tối qua – ‘last night’ hay hiện tại.)

If I …… (be) you, this afternoon, I …… (refuse) to lend him the car.

(Tôi ở quá khứ, hiện tại và tương lai đều không phải là bạn.)

His mother …… (understand) what that Chinese person said last night if she …… (speak) Chinese.

(Dù là tối qua – ‘last night’ hay là hiện tại thì mẹ anh ấy cũng không nói tiếng Trung.)

Her younger sister …… (drive) their mother to the supermarket this afternoon if she …… (know) how to drive.

(Dù là chiều nay – ‘this afternoon’ hay hiện tại thì em gái của cô ấy cũng không biết lái xe.)

If their younger brother …… (dance) well, he …… (take) part in the dance competition last year.

(Dù là năm ngoái – ‘last year’ hay hiện tại, em trai của họ cũng không nhảy đẹp.)

If Lucy …… (be) a good student, the teacher …… (praise) her at the closing ceremony yesterday.

(Lucy luôn không phải một học sinh giỏi/ ngoan dù là trong buổi bế giảng hôm qua – ‘ the closing ceremony yesterday’ hay là trong hiện tại.)

If Daniel …… (play) basketball, he …… (play) for our team last week.

(Daniel luôn không chơi bóng rổ, dù là vào tuần trước – ‘last week’ hay là trong hiện tại.)

My daughter …… (buy) a lot of apples at the supermarket this morning if she …… (like) them.

(Dù là vào sáng nay hay ở hiện tại, con gái tôi luôn không thích táo.)

Đáp án:

1. wouldn’t have lent – were 9. would/ could have drunk – weren’t

2. had – would/ could have joined 10. were – would have refused

3. had – would have bought 11. would/ could have understood – spoke

4. were – would have invested 12. could/ would have driven – knew

5. would have bought – had 13. danced – would/ could have taken

6. had – would have taken 14. were – would have praised

7. were – would/ could have performed 15. played – would/ could have played

8. would have gotten – had 16. would have bought – liked

Trên đây là các bài tập câu điều kiện trong tiếng Anh được chia theo từng dạng khác nhau. Hi vọng rằng sau bài viết này, bạn đã nắm chắc cách chia động từ trong mệnh đề của câu điều kiện và dễ dàng áp dụng với các bài tập tương tự. Đừng quên theo dõi thêm series ngữ pháp tiếng Anh được tổng hợp bởi TalkFirst bạn nhé!

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